How to Overcome Anxiety – 7 Ways

How to overcome anxiety: Are you becoming extremely aware of your feelings, sensations, even low-grade pain and palpitations in your body along with anxiety? If yes, then you have become hypersensitive. Anxiety potentially leads to two serious health issues – the first one is hypersensitivity: which has become a common problem among the people who get anxiety attacks. The second problem is a bit compulsive wherein you find it very difficult to ignore something that causes stress. Owing to these two trivial issues you will become overly sensitive to mild tinnitus – which is almost imperceptive and cannot keep it ignoring. According to several studies and scientists, those who are living with ringing in ear normally don’t hear it because the loudness is not enough to be perceived – and therefore, the body adjust it. However, people with anxiety have a harder time adjusting it. But there are certain ways in which you can take complete control of your anxiety. A few of those are as follows:


The fear of being very sensitive to pricks might keep you away from this wonderful relaxing technique, but it works wonders for you if you prefer it to relieve your anxiety. There are some specific points or areas in your body where an acupuncturist puts very fine needles. In some cases, electrical stimulation also works well to ease your muscles and nerve tension.

How to overcome anxiety by Biofeedback?

This is a technique wherein you take the help of your psychologist or therapist who guide you in taking charge of the things that make you anxious. Next, the therapist involves you in calming your brain and nerves. The feedback is displayed on the computer screen for you to see whether the techniques are working. If you do this regularly under expert guidance, then over a period of time you will develop good control of your thoughts and anxiety.

How to Overcome Anxiety by Sound Sleep?

Good sleep is not only good for your mind it is good for your body as well. It helps improve your concentration, mood, focus and alertness during daytime. If you have a tranquil and peaceful mind, you will less likely to become anxious. You must allocate at least 7 to 8 hours to sleep every day. To ensure this, go to bed and wake up at the same time. Make it a routine and stick to it at any cost. The other important things that you can do to ensure good sleep are as follows: ensure complete darkness and quietness in the room; keep your room cool and avoid watching TV and mobile before going to bed. Routine exercise is a good habit, but prefer it in the morning and afternoon not late evening and night – otherwise, it could mess up with your night sleep.

The other very important aspect pertaining to your sleep is your nutritional status as a deficiency of certain vitamins and minerals can make you an insomniac. For instance, the deficiency of magnesium, potassium, vitamin D and melatonin can cause insomnia.

If you want to have good night’s sleep, then ensure that you are exposed to full natural daylight during the daytime and avoid lights after sunset – and also keep yourself in dark up to two to three hours before bedtime. Another way to fix your natural internal clock is by camping a few days in the natural surroundings – especially in the countryside or city outskirts. During your stay avoid using artificial lights and bulbs.

Limit Alcohol

Though a few drinks can make you feel relax, excessive drinking instead of vitalizing your brain can make you anxious. In addition, binge drinking can also affect your health and work – and even your personal life. It can make you prone to anxiety. A healthy rule of thumb is one drink for women and no more than two drinks for men.

Set Priorities

The biggest cause for concerned nowadays is work pressure and lingering on quite a huge number of tasks and priorities all the time. Instead of setting priorities, most of us are worried about all the tasks to be done at once. However, if we set a to-do list, we can break up a large project into smaller tasks and prioritize only those tasks that are important. With this, we can figure out what needs to be done right away and what can be waited for. You can relieve your anxiety by letting go of the things that aren’t important.

How to Overcome Anxiety by Indulging in Sex

It may be the last thing on your mind when you’re anxious, but sex can lower your body’s stress response. And a healthy sex life, especially with a committed partner, can help make you happier and healthier, and that can help keep anxiety away, too.

Keep a Journal

It might look a bit outlandish for you to keep a track of the activities and patterns that make you anxious, but, in reality, it helps in figuring out the things that are making you anxious. See whether it is too much work, excessive thinking, excessive coffee intake, or monetary issues that are triggering anxious thoughts in you. In other words, just jot down all that you are thinking and doing. Once you know what’s causing your anxiety, you might be able to manage it better.