Best doctor for epilepsy in Hyderabad – Dr. Vikram Sharma Explains

Epilepsy is a condition affecting the brain, where the communication between nerve cells is disrupted, leading to seizures. Seizures are unpredictable episodes of electrical activity in the brain that can result in changes in muscle movements, awareness, behaviors, and sensations. Although there is currently no cure for epilepsy, various treatment options are available. Medications can help manage the disease for up to 70% of people with epilepsy. The primary indication of epilepsy is recurrent seizures, which involve abrupt surges of electrical activity in the brain, causing temporary dysfunction.

Types of epilepsy

There are multiple categories of seizures that a person with epilepsy may experience, with the three main types:

  • generalized
  • focal
  • unknown

Additionally, there are four distinct types of epilepsy which are defined by the specific type of seizure that occurs:

  • generalized epilepsy
  • focal epilepsy
  • combined generalized and focal epilepsy
  • unknown epilepsy

Each type of epilepsy impacts the brain in unique ways, resulting in different characteristics and treatment methods.

How Doctors Diagnose Types of Epilepsy?

Epilepsy is characterized by seizures, which are brief interruptions of normal brain function caused by electrical activity in the brain. To diagnose epilepsy, doctors typically follow three steps. First, they determine the type of seizures that the patient has experienced. Based on the seizure type, they then identify the specific type of epilepsy the patient has. Finally, they determine if the patient has a specific epilepsy syndrome. To make these determinations, the best doctor for epilepsy in Hyderabad will ask the patient questions and conduct tests such as an EEG to measure brain activity or an MRI to examine the brain’s structure. Having someone who witnessed the seizures or a video recording of them can also be helpful in identifying the seizure type.

When to contact a neurologist?

If an individual suspects that they have experienced a seizure, it is important to seek medical attention. A doctor can identify the underlying cause of the seizure, determine its type, and advise on appropriate courses of action. In most instances, epilepsy can be managed effectively with seizure medication. It is crucial to receive a prompt and accurate diagnosis to ensure proper treatment.


Epilepsy is a prevalent disorder characterized by seizures. There are four primary types of epilepsy: focal, generalized, combined focal and generalized, and unknown. Doctors usually diagnose epilepsy when a person has experienced two or more unprovoked seizures. The primary treatment for epilepsy is medication, and roughly two-thirds of adults with epilepsy are able to live seizure-free because of it. In cases where medication is ineffective, other treatments such as surgery, brain stimulation, or a specialized diet may be recommended

Bottom Line

People with epilepsy must adhere to a consistent medication regimen and consult with their doctor if their seizures become more frequent or severe. While it is uncommon for epilepsy to resolve on its own, appropriate treatment can effectively manage seizures and allow individuals to lead normal, fulfilling lives. If you have any concerns regarding epilepsy and seeking holistic management of epilepsy, then meet the best doctor for epilepsy in Hyderabad, Dr. Vikram Sharma.