We have reached in the mid of May and the temperature is soaring beyond imagination, especially this year. For working men and women avoiding sun exposure is literally impossible; at times, even prolonged exposure cannot be avoided. And the situation is really grim for those who work outdoors. Amidst work heat stroke may result, which may gradually progresses from tiredness, cramps, dizziness and heat-related serious loss of energy and extreme fatigue. Therefore, the best way to prevent heat stroke is to ensure proper safety measures and precautions while working outdoors. This summer temperature is very high, and therefore, not only working people or outdoor workers, but also everyone should take precautions.

What is a heat stroke?

Heat stroke may occur owing to overexposure to sun in a hot sunny day or in hot working environment. In addition, physical exertion or heavy work in hot climate without adequate fluid intake may also cause heat stroke. It is the severe form of heat-related condition.

Heat stroke if not treated in time would lead to severe complications and death. Heat stroke causes severe damage to brain – even muscles, kidneys and heart may also get involved. Immediate treatment is therefore very much needed because the longer the treatment is delayed the more the risk of complications and death.

What are the symptoms of Heat Stroke?Heat Stroke Symptoms

A very high body temperature above 104F is the major sign of heatstroke. Dry skin or hot skin is indicative of a stroke due to hot weather, whereas in a stroke due to strenuous exercise, the skin feels moist. The other symptoms of stroke include red skin, rapid heartbeats, rapid breathing, nausea, vomiting, sweating, shallow breathing, headache, muscle cramps, faintness, confusion, agitation, altered behavior or mental state and unconsciousness.

What is the first aid for heat stroke?

When you notice that a person is experiencing heatstroke, then immediately call an ambulance to shift that person to a nearby hospital. While awaiting emergency team’s arrival, get into action and move the person inside a room or in a shady area if outdoors, and then remove clothing. Measure body temperature and try every possible means to cool the person – wet the body by sponging or spraying water and placing wet towels; apply ice-packs on the head, neck, back, groin, arm pits; provide air with a newspaper or fan. And at last put the person in a cool water tub.

It is better to give cool water to a person having heat stroke, but caffeine or caffeinated beverages and aerated drinks should be avoided. Beverages that are devoid of caffeine or nonalcoholic beverages can be given.