Headache specialist doctor in Hyderabad
For severe headache or migraine consult Dr Vikram Sharma
Never ignore throbbing, pulsating and debilitating headaches as they may indicate other complex health conditions.
Dr. Vikram Sharma has immense experience and expertise in treating severe, debilitating and disturbing headaches and migraines.
A better understanding of the cause of your headache is very important before treating the condition.
Many people resort to self-medication – as a very common home remedy – whenever they feel a headache.
Once you take medicines, you feel better and your pain eases – but it will not give you long-lasting relief.
You get used to taking medicines for getting instant relief from your throbbing and pulsating headaches.
As long as you take medicine, you will feel better and do so for a few days, but when you stop medicines, headaches will come back again.
The frequency and episodes of headache augment and the medicines you take will no longer provide relief. Once you don’t get any relief, you will start increasing the dose and frequency of taking medicines.
Rebound Headaches
Once you reach this stage, you will not have any other option apart from increasing the dose and changing medicines. The dose of medicine which would give you relief may not offer the same benefit. Amidst this situation, your headaches may persist for long and become aggressive. You may enter the next phase of rebound headaches. At this juncture, your condition will become really worrisome.
Headache Causes
There are many causes for your headache including lack of sleep, anxiety, depression, exertion, your lifestyle and food – and some unknown causes as well. Unless you get to the underlying cause and address it, you will not get any relief – even if you get relief, it would be temporary. Therefore, it is always better to consult a headache specialist doctor in Hyderabad for better diagnosis and treatment of headaches.