Causes of Headache, Dr. Vikram Sharma – Headache Doctor in Hyderabad explains all the possible causes of headaches
Headache Specialist in Hyderabad Explains causes of Headache: Dr. Vikram Sharma says that getting a few headaches and even migraines at times may be alright. The cause for concern is when there are regular episodes of headaches. Plenty of questions may pop up in your mind when you get a headache. If headaches become a daily affair for you interfering with your day-to-day life and making you sick all the time – Take action.
Prior to searching for a headache specialist in Hyderabad, it is better to have a proper and better understanding of your headache and the potential causes associated with it. The best headache specialist diagnoses the cause of your headache and then treats it and also suggests some preventive measures. First of all, let us understand the following top 10 causes of headache, prior to approaching a headache specialist in Hyderabad.
Vision Problems
Sitting too close to a computer; reading & focussing on the words near your face or getting too engrossed focusing on something near you can get a headache.
Farsightedness and short-sightedness can also cause headaches.
In some people it is a birth defect and, in many people, it may develop after age 40. Rather than seeing a headache specialist in Hyderabad, it is better to consult an eye specialist or ophthalmologist.
Your eye specialist or ophthalmologist will diagnose the problem and treat it with appropriate eyeglasses, contact lenses, or by performing eye surgery.
Swollen Sinuses
A cold or flu or any other respiratory infection can result in inflammation of the hollow areas behind the cheekbones and forehead. This may cause heaviness in the head. The pressure, heaviness, and swelling could cause pain. The headache becomes severe and pulsating when you tilt or move your head in forward or backward direction or bend over. Breathing difficulties, nasal congestion and mucus build-up, and thickening of mucus block the nasal passages – which may result in sleepless nights and morning headaches. You can manage this type of condition with over-the-counter medicines. However, when the symptoms are manageable – it’s alright, but when the symptoms become worse and don’t go away, then it is better to go to the best headache specialist in Hyderabad.
A headache associated with throbbing or pulsating pain, especially on one side of the head near the eyes, forehead, and temples is known as migraine. Individuals having migraine exhibit sensitivity to lights, sound, and exertion. The other symptoms associated with migraine include vision problems, blurry vision, nausea, and vomiting. The pain associated with migraine can be confined to one side of the head or radiates to the other side as well. Migraines are often debilitating and can hamper daily activities.
Many people suffer from migraine – among them, the majority are women – which means, one in six women and one in ten men have migraines. The majority of the migraines get mistakenly diagnosed as tension headaches or sinus headaches. Migraine triggers include hunger, foods, hormonal changes, stress, coffee, ice creams, aged cheese, and fermented foods.
Middle ear infections and inner ear infections can disturb your hearing and cause headaches too. Bacteria and viruses may enter the middle ear and cause middle ear infection – which is associated with severe pain, discharge of liquid, pus, or blood. If you notice these symptoms, then it is necessary to inform or see your ENT specialist. Your doctor will help you in managing your headache, earache and swelling.
Pain Relievers
Many people resort to over-the-counter painkillers like acetaminophen, ibuprofen and aspirin when they get headaches or when they frequently encounter severe headaches. Over-the-counter medicines can trigger headaches if they are used for more than 15 days in a month. Rebound headaches are common in individuals who suffer from migraines and also in those who frequently use medicines – such as prescription opioids and drugs with caffeine. If you think that your headache is getting worst owing to your medicines, then talk to your neurologist who will prescribe different medicines or change your painkillers.
Stiffness in Neck and Shoulder
Many of us are aware of tension headaches but don’t know how they occur. Nowadays many people hunch over their desktops and laptops for hours together and also use a mobile phone while driving. For holding the phone to the ear while driving they use the support of their shoulder. The tension that results in the jaw and shoulder muscle can cause tension headaches. Even sitting for too long in a car can also cause tension headaches. One can counter such types of headaches with over-the-counter medicines, or by using a warming pad or by taking a hot shower, and also by taking a cup of tea or coffee. However, changes in your lifestyle will help in stopping such headaches from starting. You can do regular exercise, meditation, yoga, aromatherapy, and other relaxation exercises to stop such headaches from occurring.
Wrong Pillow
Sleeping in the wrong position the whole night especially when you have to sleep on a bad mattress or a wrong pillow can put pressure on your head and changing body positions constantly by flipping can also lead to headaches. Therefore, to prevent headaches you should keep your body and head in a good resting position while sleeping by using a pillow that helps in keeping your head and neck in sync with the rest of your body. If you are still not getting any benefit by changing your pillow and mattress, then talk to your neurologist or physiotherapist.
Hunger too can trigger headaches especially migraines, which can become worst due to hunger and dehydration. If you skip a meal, your blood sugar levels drop triggering a headache. Therefore, if you are prone to headaches, don’t skip meals. Instead of three big meals, have four to five small meals.
Skipping Morning Coffee
Skipping coffee or tea in the morning especially when you are habituated to it may cause a headache. The reminder comes to your head rather severely with a throbbing headache.
If you drink coffee in the morning and if it is not available, then go for green tea, black tea, or even dark chocolate. It will help you with your headache.
Excessive usage of caffeine, especially coffee is not good for your health. However, if you drink coffee excessively, then don’t leave it at once, rather cut down its usage by about 20% per week. By doing so your body will get used to it and you will reach a healthy intake.
Eating Headache Trigger
The foods you normally take can also trigger headaches. The effect of foods differs from person to person and other lifestyle factors. In general, the following foods can trigger a throbbing headache:
- Fermented foods
- Bacon, Sausages and hot dogs
- Pickled foods
- Aged cheese
- Alcohol
- Some fruits and nuts
- Ice cream
- Flavour enhancing agents like MSG
Bottom line
Prolonged usage of headache medicines, nasal inhalers, and decongestants may cause rebound headaches. These medicines can also make your condition worst if you have other health issues like high blood pressure. Therefore, it is better to talk to your headache specialist in Hyderabad before taking any over-the-counter medicines to treat your headaches.