What makes migraines hurt: Knowing what works and what doesn’t is the key to the successful management of migraine symptoms and reducing the episodes of migraine. Let us try to understand whether the following things can actually help or hurt your migraines.

What makes migraines hurt

Take a Second look at Chocolate

Whether chocolate can trigger migraine or not – there is no clear-cut link found so far. Still, many of us think that chocolates can trigger migraines. This could be due to a craving for sweats before the onset of migraine symptoms. When people have this craving, they cherish chocolates to satisfy the cravings. However, when you eat chocolates during a migraine attack, it brings some relief. Chocolates have tryptophan, riboflavin, and magnesium – all are mood boosters and migraine fighters.

Can Tinted Glasses Help?

Yes, these glasses can actually help if you have migraines. If your glasses have tinted lenses with an FL-41 filter that blocks blue-green light, you can expect fewer migraines, less painful or mild ones. As bright light can make your migraines worse and your traditional sunglasses can make things worse. They create a darker environment to which your eyes adapt. Over a period of time, this can make your eyes more sensitive to light.

Is Sex a good option if you have migraines?

People who think that sex can be a good option if they get migraines – should rethink about it. The results of surveys and studies conducted in this regard are mixed. Some people noted that their migraines got worse during and after sex – while more than 60% felt that they got complete relief from headaches. However, the rule of thumb is quite simple here – if you are prone to sex headaches after orgasm, then you should avoid sex during migraine episodes. In another scenario, if you are prone to migraines in general, then your risk for sex-related headaches could be higher.

Is sweat good or bad if you have migraines?

Sweat in general doesn’t have much effect on your migraines unless your blood sugar levels are very low or you have become dehydrated due to excess sugar. Soft drinks with caffeine can be a good option for some but excess of it can make things worse. Another downside is that excess sugar in soft drinks can make you dehydrated – which can lead to migraines. In some people, sugar can trigger migraine. Even artificial sweeteners can make your migraine worse.

What makes migraines hurt

Is chilly good or bad?

It depends on how you feel after having hot and spicy food if you are prone to migraines. For some, capsaicin in chilly can help relieve migraine symptoms. However, for others, it may trigger migraines or make them worse. For this very same reason, some people with migraine feel better if they swear by spicy soups – while others don’t feel the same.

Can exercise trigger migraine?

Exercise is good for overall health even if you are prone to migraines. It makes you feel better by improving your mood, reducing stress, augmenting sleep, and releasing pain-relieving hormones such as endorphins. If you are prone to exercise-related or workout-related headaches, then prepare well before exercise. Never indulge in any exercise on an empty stomach, stay hydrated and do a complete warm-up before a workout.

Massage – may or may not help

In the majority of people, migraine pain can make them sensitive to touch. Therefore, they feel pain even to touch. Massage therapy may not work until they feel completely pain-free. For others, massage can help in relieving migraine symptoms because it relieves stress a major trigger for migraines.