The Diseases that Crop up as You Age!

The fact that we are revealing here might stun you but you have to agree that nearly about 90% of the older adults have some or the other type of chronic disease and the remaining 10% are prone to such conditions. Furthermore, nearly about 80% of the older adults have more than one type of chronic illness. If you are the one who is in your middle age and approaching the golden years, then you could be the one at the verge of getting the odd sooner or later in your life. But don’t worry as there are some measures you can take to ensure that you will remain healthy throughout your golden years. Let us discuss what are the odds and how can you overcome those.

High Blood Pressure: This has become something common nowadays – even the adults are becoming prone to it, but as a matter of fact as you enter into golden years of your life your blood vessels don’t remain as flexible as they used to be when you were young – as a result they exert pressure on the system that carries blood. This is the reason why many older adults develop high blood pressure after age 55 to 60 years.

However, you can fight this inevitability by simply taking control of your day-to-day activities and lifestyle. The measures you must take here include keeping an eye on your weight, ensuring 10 to 15 minutes daily physical activity, eating healthy, stopping smoking if you smoke and taking measures of controlling stress.

Diabetes: Like blood pressure, even diabetes has also become something common nowadays – even the adults are becoming prone to it, but as a matter of fact as you enter into golden years of your life you become more prone to diabetes. The risk of getting diabetes almost doubles once a person crosses 45 years of his or her life. Diabetes is a serious life-threatening condition, which can lead to kidney problems, heart disease, nerves issues and even eye problems. To prevent the risk of diabetes follow the measures that have already been discussed in the high blood pressure section above.

Heart Disease: The Odds of getting this disease is high and sometimes become eminent with age. Therefore, be careful in the golden journey of your life. Nowadays, heart disease seems not be sparing anyone – in fact not even children as all are becoming prone to it – adults, males, females, children and the elderly. The major cause of heart disease in adults and older adults is the buildup of plaque in the arteries – the process begins as early as late childhood, continues through adulthood and becomes prominent in the older adults. Therefore, people in the age group of 45 to 65 years are more than five times at risk of developing heart disease compare to those who are in their mid 20s and 30s.